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Project Descriptions

Project descriptions

10 Years Video
Urban Flow Placemaking consultants
Walton-on-Thames Vision & Placemaking Study, Surrey

Study to encourage and support town centre businesses and encourage visitors through movement and placemaking improvement measures

Thames Road Access & Movement Feasibility Study, Barking, London
Thames Road Access & Movement Feasibility Study, Barking, London

Comprehensive multimodal movement study and proposals to support substantial area growth.

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Dagenham Heathway Parking Provision Assessment, London

Parking reprovision assessment related to town centre retail and residential proposal

Urban Flow Transport Planning Cornwall
Newquay Development Framework & Investment Plan, Cornwall
Public transport, parking, walking and cycling advice for a phased development framework and investment plan for Newquay
Gravesham Borough Design Code, Kent

Supporting the development of a Design Code for the borough in alignment with the National Model Design Code guidance

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Redbridge Walking and Cycling Accessibility Studies

Walking and cycling accessibility studies for five centres and neighbourhoods in the borough to encourage active travel

Oswestry Urban Flow Covid Transport Plan
Oswestry Masterplan and Access and Movement Strategy

Movement proposals to support development of a wider investable concept masterplan for the town's evolution

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Innovation Park Medway 

Development planning support for this landmark building in Medway

Edgware SPD Urban Flow Transport Consult
Edgware SPD Transport Study

Transport assessment based study assessing the potential for of substantial proposed growth in the town centre providing a positive and forward-looking sustainable transport environment

Mansfield Urban Flow Transport Consultan
Mansfield Town Centre Masterplan

Related to the Future High Streets Fund initiative, the masterplan develops approaches  to embed sustainable and healthy movement, positively supporting streets and spaces

Luton Town Centre Development Framework and Delivery Plan

Transport planning advice regarding placemaking-focused multimodal responses to supporting future town centre development

Liveable Neighbourhood Funding Bid

Prepared all movement inputs to this comprehensive Liveable Neighbourhoods funding bid building on urban Flow's extensive earlier work in Erith 

Basing View Office Development, Basingstoke, Berkshire

Transport Assessment and Travel Plan for this campus-based development

Ilford Cultural Quarter
Access & Movement Assessment

Masterplan and design support for Ilford town centre

Urban Flow Access & Movement Spray Stree
Residential Development, Kidbrooke, London

Detailed site feasibility appraisal for residential site development adjacent to Kidbrooke Village

Urban Flow Transport Assessment Consulta
London Dock School, Tower Hamlets, London

Design and transport planning services for the development a new secondary school including parking, servicing and cycle provision

Tottenham High Street Strategy, London

Movement and access proposals as part of a 5 year strategy and masterplan to deliver positive change in conditions for Tottenham High Road

Erith Urban Flow Traffic Management Stud
Erith Links - Public Realm, Major Scheme development

Multi-faceted assessment of movement conditions and proposals in this growth area focusing on enabling growth through sustainable transport interventions

Blackfen Road Urban Flow Public Realm De
Blackfen Road - Public Realm Scheme - Bexley, London

Street design and movement advice for this public realm improvement scheme

Urban Flow Community Engagement Kensal R
Kensal Rise - Public Realm Scheme Development - Brent Council

A substantial movement and public realm improvement scheme including Urban Flow-led community engagement addressing bus operations, cycling, pedestrian movement, parking and servicing

Urban Flow Bus Planning Kensal Rise comp
Kensal Rise Bus Priority Enabling Study - Brent Council

Detailed bus operations planning in support of a wider and comprehensive public realm scheme incorporating walking and cycling improvements

Grosvenor Urban Flow Street Design Suppo
Mayfair Transport & Public Realm and Movement Improvements - London

Movement and design advice on a variety of schemes, studies and proposals in this key area of activity and heritage in central London

Beckenham Place Park Urban Flow Parking
Beckenham Place Park - Access & Movement Assessment

Transport Assessment in support of this major park / leisure improvement scheme planning for on-site and off-site parking

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Mandeville Road Scheme Development - Ealing Council, London

Road corridor improvement scheme focused on road safety and traffic management improvement and related public realm treatments

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Leyton Placeshaping - Waltham Forest - London

Multi-modal appraisals of conditions and opportunities related to development areas, infrastructure and placemaking, providing a framework for further growth 

Northolt Urban Flow Community Engagement
Northolt Corridor Traffic Management & Public Realm - Ealing Council, London

Road corridor improvement and traffic management proposals to calm traffic in nearby village

Urban Flow Public Realm Scheme Design co
Sudbury Hill Urban Village Scheme Design - Harrow section

Scheme design for the Harrow side of this road corridor improvement

Deptford High Street Public Realm Scheme - Lewisham Council

Full movement analysis and design support for all modes and users related to this major public realm scheme

Urban Flow Traffic Management London Roa
London Road, Public Realm Street Enhancement - Brighton

Corridor movement and public realm improvement proposals for this important town centre corridor

Urban Flow Public Realm Design Watford c
Watford Public Realm Scheme

Wide-ranging transport design advice to the public realm design team for this major public realm improvement scheme

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Green Park and
Piccadilly Gateway Public Realm Proposals, London

Movement design support for this important corridor section on the heart of central London, developing proposals for improvements to all active travel modes and support public realm enhancement.

 Welcome Back Fund Access & Movement Town Studies

Proposing placemaking and access interventions for nine towns across Norfolk as further responses to assist high street recovery post-pandemic

Low Line Study Urban Flow Transport Consultants
Low Line Strategy
Battersea – Nine Elms - Vauxhall, London

Access and movement support for this study exploring the potential for a continuous Low Line walking route between Battersea, Nine Elms and Vauxhall

 Tamworth Town Centre Investment Strategy

Providing movement, parking and transport advice to the multidisciplinary team and helping to shape Tamworth's future

King's Lynn, Southgates Masterplan

Providing placemaking-led transport planning advice to the mutlidisciplinary team

Peckham Square - public realm design support

Providing comprehensive access and movement design advice to provide for an important strategic cycle route, pedestrian convenience and visitor enjoyment

St George’s University Hospital - development planning

Specialist transport advice to support the design of a new specialist healthcare facility at the Tooting site, London

Urban Flow Covid transport response
Norfolk Market Towns - Access & Movement Studies

A study of towns across Norfolk to assess movement needs and responses to assist high street recovery post-pandemic

urban Flow masterplan
Hounslow -
Four Town Centres
Visions & Masterplans

Providing transport planning and placemaking support to  prepare forward-looking visions for town centres and high streets across the borough

Urban Flow Rugby Town Centre Masterplan
Rugby Town Centre Masterplan

Transport planning support for this roadmap for regeneration - focusing on retail, residential, leisure, transport and tourism

Public Realm Urban Flow Traffic Engineer
Berkeley Square Public Realm Design Support

Traffic engineering and design support for further public realm improvement in the Mayfair area

Loughborough Urban Flow Transport Planni
Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust Visitor Centre 

Movement advice supporting a funding bid to improve visitor facilities for this important heritage building

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Ealing Town Centre, Prospectus for Change

Led the mutidisciplinary team in submitting a forward-looking and detailed funding bid to Transport for London on behalf of Ealing Council

Victoria Urban Flow Transport Consultant
Public Realm Vision and Strategy -
Victoria BID, London

Providing all transport-related movement inputs in preparing a new public realm strategy supporting a strong, identifiable and vibrant Victoria in the heart of central London

Cambridge Market Square

Design support for public realm improvement scheme at this iconic site in Cambridge's historic city centre

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Dalston Town Centre Public Realm, Movement and Permeability Study, London

Preparing concept-based options to reduce the impact of vehicles, improve pedestrian routes and spaces and promote a finer urban grain to support development

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Cambridge Spaces and Movement SPD

Movement inputs to develop a strategy and Supplementary Planning Document for the management of city centre spaces and the network of movement corridors and linkages

Urban Flow Burnley Transport Planning co
Burnley Weavers' Triangle Masterplan, Burnley BC

A masterplan focussing on this historic quarter and multimodal access throughout  Burnley town centre

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Basing View Masterplan, Hampshire

Access and movement advice to improve access for visitors and town centre links for this substantial business park

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Tewkesbury Area Masterplan, Gloucestershire

Transport planning advice to assist in early stage masterplanning for this extensive growth area in Gloucestershire

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North Finchley SPD - Barnet Council

Transport planning support for this Supplementary Planning Document, including parking and junction studies

London South Bank University - Southwark, London

Comprehensive campus redevelopment design with transport assessment and travel plans prepared and submitted for the related planning application

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Wimpole Hall - National Trust - Cambridgeshire

Transport assessment and travel plan prepared and submitted for a Visitor Welcome Centre with extensive car parking, pedestrian and cycling improvements

Hemel Hemptead urban Flow Masterplanning
Hemel Hempstead Hospital - Development Assessment

Transport planning advice to the wider  development and masterplanning team for this substantial site

Two Waters Urban Flow Masterplan Regener
Two Waters Masterplan - Hemel Hempstead

Masterplan and SPD with sustainable transport and public realm improvement assessment and proposals

Winchester Urban Flow Parking Study Tran
Winchester Station Area Masterplan & Parking Study - Winchester Borough Council, Hants

Masterplan support considering access, parking capacity, walking and cycling for this important area around the station

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University Campus Developments:

- London South Bank University

- Canterbury Christ Church

- University of London

- Queen Mary's University, London

A variety of university campus development related transport assessment and movement studies

Urban Flow Masterplanners Swanley comp.j
Swanley & Hextable Masterplan - Sevenoaks District Council, Kent

Masterplan development with a multidisciplinary masterplanning team

Project descriptions

Transport Planning Consultants

Transport Planning Consultants

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