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Writer's pictureLorna Sewell

Liveable Neighbourhoods & the 15 minute city

Great to see the latest Landor Links Liveable Neighbourhoods publication is out.

Well done and thanks to those who contributed, I found it very informative. It will be a very useful document to refer to as part of projects / case studies. I'm also very encouraged to see such a wide range of positive approaches, projects and outcomes in what can sometimes feels like a very challenging and, too often, negative (transport planning) environment.

I particularly enjoyed Esther Kurland's piece on 'Thinking Beyond the 15 minute City' as this is something Urban Flow is passionate about and has been advocating as part of our work in London and the UK.

Finally, I'm super excited about the proposed 'Superloop' to improve orbital bus links in outer London which are so desperately needed.

For those who know me, I'm a huge champion of buses, working hard to try and find new, innovative but simple ways to better integrate buses into existing and future networks and help change attitudes around bus travel, so, I'll be keeping a close eye on this initiative and drawing on lessons learnt for other projects.

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